Hezbollah: Israeli drones were carrying explosives for attack

A security source reported on Monday night that due to the apparent drone attacks, Hezbollah would try to hit a military target in the Galilee.

LEBANON’S HEZBOLLAH leader Hassan Nasrallah addresses his supporters via a screen during a rally marking Jerusalem Day in Maroun Al-Ras village, near the border with Israel. (photo credit: REUTERS)
LEBANON’S HEZBOLLAH leader Hassan Nasrallah addresses his supporters via a screen during a rally marking Jerusalem Day in Maroun Al-Ras village, near the border with Israel.
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Hezbollah reported overnight Monday that the drones that crashed in Dahiyeh in southern Beirut over the weekend were carrying C4 explosives from Israel and were going to be used for an attack and not for surveillance. The IDF has not confirmed this report.
Two drones exploded overnight between Saturday and Sunday, one of which was being analyzed by a Hezbollah investigative team. The drone contained 5.5 kg of C4 explosives, according to the Hezbollah statement.
"Based on the new information that we've received after breaking down the drone and analyzing it, we wish to emphasize that the goal of the drone was not to gather intelligence but rather for attack purposes – just as the other drone had done," the Hezbollah statement announced.
A security source reported on Monday night that due to the apparent drone attacks, Hezbollah would try to hit a military target in the Galilee.
On Monday, Lebanese President Michel Aoun called the alleged drone attacks a "declaration of war."
"What happened resembles a declaration of war that entitles us to resport to our right to defend our sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity," Aoun said. "We are people who seek peace, not war, but we do not accept to be threatened by anyone in any matter."