Anti-war protesters denied permit for NATO summit march

CHICAGO - A US judge on Thursday rejected a request from anti-war protesters to demonstrate during the NATO summit of world leaders in May, but organizers said they still plan a protest they hope will draw 10,000 people opposed to the war in Afghanistan.
"I can say definitively we are marching on May 20. We will hold a peaceful protest," said leader Andy Thayer. He said organizers would get together to decide whether to appeal to a higher court.
Anti-war protesters want to march on May 20 and frustrated by the city's refusal to allow a march that day. Activists have warned there could be a confrontation such as those that occurred during the anti-Vietnam War protests at the Democratic convention in 1968, which has marred Chicago's image ever since.
The judge's ruling on Thursday agreed with the city of Chicago, which had earlier denied the permit after a hearing at which city officials said the march would clog traffic and over-tax police resources.
The city had granted protesters a permit to hold a virtually identical rally and march on the day before, May 19, which coincided with a scheduled G8 summit prior to the NATO meeting.