Bayit Yehudi Minister Ariel: Terror attack shows strong right-wing coalition needed

Construction Minister Uri Ariel (Bayit Yehudi) issued harsh criticism of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday after two Israelis were stabbed by a Palestinian assailant in the West Bank.
"Not even a week has gone by since Abu Mazen (Abbas) said that his hand is outstretched for peace, and it has already become clear that within that hand is hidden knives, rocks, Molotov cocktails and other weapons of destruction which are intended to kill Jews."
Ariel alluded to ongoing coalition talks, saying, "In the face of the manipulations and lies of the Arabs, Israel must present a strong, right-wing government that knows how to provide security for Israel and won't give in to terror."
The Bayit Yehudi minister wished the two stabbing victims a speedy recovery and praised security forces for eliminating the terrorist.