Beinish: MKs are leading incitement campaign against court

Supreme Court President Dorit Beinish spoke out against recent legislation that would affect the court, saying that for several years, politicians have conducted a campaign "aimed at weakening the judicial system, headed by the Supreme Court," speaking at the annual conference of the The Israeli Association of Public Law held at the Dead Sea on Thursday.
In the past five years, Beinish said, there has been "a campaign of delegitimization, led by a number of politicians, members of Knesset and even government ministers who are taking advantage of their immunity and broadcasting to the public erroneous and deceptive information that has deteriorated into incitement directed at the court, against its judges and against its judicial workers."
The "campaign of deception," she added, "in its nature, permeates and poisons. There is overt incitement against the court and its judges."