Book reveals allied plot to put estrogen in Hitler's food

While the plot to kill Adolf Hitler at a movie premier in France made by a vengeful Jewish girl whose family was killed at the hands of a Nazi "Jew-hunter" may have been invented in Quentin Tarantino's Hollywood film "Inglorious Bastards," it turns out the Allied forces actually had a number of their own off-kilter plans for the German dictator.
A new book on World War II espionage has revealed that British spies were planning to slip doses of estrogen into Hitler's food, rendering him less aggressive and making him more similar to his younger sister, Paula, who was a secretary at the time.
British agents determined that estrogen, a tasteless and odorless hormone, would go unnoticed as it took hold of the Nazi leader over period of a number of months. This was key, because Hitler, notoriously paranoid, allegedly had testers taste his meals to make sure his food was safe.
According to British newspaper the Daily Mail, Cardiff fellow Professor Brian Ford said that British government "gave serious consideration to the plan, and that it was perfectly plausible." Indeed, British spies were already positioned and ready to implement the plan.
These and other allied plots have been brought to light by the book Secret Weapons: Technology, Science And The Race To Win World War II by Ford.