Cabinet may weigh defining 'price tag' acts as terror

The cabinet may discuss classifying “price tag” attacks as “acts of terror,” so as to strengthen law enforcement’s ability to deal with the growing number of such incidents, according to political sources.
The Prime Minister’s Office could not confirm if the topic would be on the cabinet’s agenda.
In advance of such a cabinet discussion, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich and Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein held a meeting on the issue Thursday, along with representatives from the IDF, the Secret Service and the prosecutor’s office.
In a statement issued by Livni and Aharonovitch’s offices  Thursday night, the ministries said that in regards to price tag attacks, Aharonovich and Livni and Weinstein “see eye to eye on the need for more serious steps to be taken, including making sure law enforcement has the tools at hand to deal with the criminals responsible.