Campaign TV and radio ad schedule announced

Central Election Committee chairman Salim Joubran determined Tuesday that election advertisements will begin to be broadcast on television and radio on March 3-17.
According to the Election Law, parties may not advertise on television or radio at any other time.
Channel 1 will show will show the ads at 22:30, except when there are soccer or basketball games, Channel 2 will show them at 23:00 and Channel 10 will show them at 18:00, 18:30 on Saturday nights.
Ads in Arabic will be shown on Channel 33 at 18:30, Channel 2 at 15:00 and Channel 10 at 14:30.
Israel Radio will broadcast ads at 9:00 and 21:00 and Army Radio will do so at 10:30 and 20:30.
Radio ads in Arabic will be on Reshet Daled at 9:30 and 18:30, in Russian on Radio Reka at 8:00 and 17:00 and in Amharic on Radio Reka at 21:00.
The Central Election Committee is willing to consider requests for ads to be broadcast in other languages.