Drill simulating Twin Towers attack to be held Tuesday in Haifa

Drill simulating Twin To

The country's largest emergency drill simulating two mega-catastrophes on the scale of the World Trade Center bombing will be held Tuesday in the Haifa region, with Magen David Adom using a new solar/satellite camera for the first time. The exercise will focus on the Haifa shopping mall at the southern entrance to the city. MDA staffers and volunteers from seven of its regions will participate, along with 100 ambulances, mobile intensive care units, motorcyclists and hundreds of medics and paramedics, along with MDA's Blood Services, the Home Front Command, the Fire Service, the Health Ministry and three Haifa hospitals. Flying ambulances - both planes and helicopters - will be used during the complicated drill to take "wounded" from the simulated terror attacks to Carmel, Bnei Zion and Rambam Medical Centers. The exercise will focus on the Haifa shopping mall at the southern entrance to the city.