Eli Yishai meets with Camp Sucker protesters over Tal Law

Also Monday, Shas leader Eli Yishai met with Camp Sucker protesters in their tent outside the Prime Minister’s Office Monday afternoon to discuss the options for replacing the Tal Law.
Asked why, as someone who served in the army and someone whose children have served, Yishai does not support a law requiring service for all, the Interior Minister said that he is in favor of drafting any haredi man not studying in yeshiva.
But Yishai evaded direct questions put to him by Boaz Nul, one of the leaders of the IDF draft reform protest, as to why he does not support legislation which would mandate obligatory IDF or national service for all.
He also repeated a claim he has made several times, stating that there are “thousands” of haredim who are waiting to enlist into the army programs designed for ultra-Orthodox men but who have yet to be drafted.
Read the full story here