Guantanamo captive in plea deal with US prosecutors

WASHINGTON - An alleged al Qaida operative from Maryland held at Guantanamo Bay has entered into a plea agreement with US military prosecutors that calls for him to testify against other detainees, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday.
In exchange for his testimony at the trials of other detainees, Majid Kahn would receive a reduced sentence and eventual freedom, the report said, citing officials familiar with the case.
Kahn, who is charged with war crimes, could be a valuable witness in the upcoming trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the self-professed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States with hijacked passenger jets.
The charges against Khan allege he took orders directly from Mohammed, often referred to in legal circles simply as "KSM." He could have received a life sentence if convicted.