Israel among world leaders in plastic bottle recycling

With Israelis recycling 61% of their plastic bottles in 2015 – about 750,000 each day – the country has become one of the world leaders in bottle recycling, the ELA corporation announced on Wednesday. In comparison, the PET Container Recycling Europe nonprofit (Petcore) reported that the EU achieved a 59% recycling rate, while the National Association for PET Container Resources (NAPCOR) in the US reported a 30.1% recycling rate there, according to ELA.
Israel's plastic bottle recycling rate in 2015 rose 2% from that of 2014, the recycling corporation said. All in all, more than 1 billion plastic bottles made from PET were sold that year, at a total weight of 36.7 tons – of which 22.7 tons were recycled, the company added.