Jeb Bush 2016 campaign raises record $11.4m.

WASHINGTON/NEW YORK - A Super PAC backing Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush has raked in a record $103 million, the group, Right to Rise, said in a statement today, dispelling rumors that the outside spending group would fall short of expectations. Of the group's 9,900 donors, more than 9,400 gave less than $25,000.
Bush's presidential campaign also announced Thursday that it had raised $11.4 million in the two weeks since he announced his candidacy, bringing his total haul to $114 million. Contributions to individual campaigns are capped out at $2,700 per person, whereas Super PACs, which are barred from coordinating directly with campaigns, are allowed to raise unlimited sums.
The Bush campaign's fundraising pace has eclipsed that of Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton. Bush's candidate campaign raised $710,000 per day in the 16 days since his announcement. Clinton's take has been $555,555 per day in the 81 days since she announced.