J'lem-area residents to protest Highway 1 expansion

Hundreds of residents from the Jerusalem suburbs around the Highway 1 corridor are expected to demonstrate on Monday morning in front of the High Court of Justice during a hearing against a proposed expansion to the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway that they claim will exacerbate rather than alleviate traffic.
The NIS 5 billion plan will cause more than 200,000 residents to access their neighborhoods from a single intersection rather than the current two intersections, said the local council, raising concerns about evacuation in case of emergency and access of emergency vehicles. The local councils filed a stop-work order with the High Court of Justice, which will be heard on Monday.
In support of the demonstration, Mevasseret Zion municipality services will be on strike and the high school will be delayed until 10:00 AM. Additionally, State Control Committee Chairman Yoel Hasson said in late July that if the local councils and the semi-public National Road Committee cannot come to an agreement about the expansion, the State Comptroller will look into the matter. The areas that will be affected by the proposed expansion are Mevaseret Zion, Har Adar, Abu Ghosh, Mateh Yehuda, and Beit Shemesh.