'Jordan cited Japan over nuke plant site near fault line'

BELGRADE - Japan was an example cited by Jordanian nuclear officials to calm past Israeli concerns about Jordan's plan to build a nuclear reactor near an earthquake fault line, according to a US diplomatic cable from 2009.
Jordan is currently planning its first 1,000 megawatt nuclear power plant, although it has recently shifted away from an initially proposed site in an earthquake fault zone.
According to the US Embassy cable, Amman attempted to ease Israeli concerns about the reactor and its initially proposed location near the Red Sea port city of Aqaba by inviting Israeli nuclear experts to meet their Jordanian counterparts.
One of the areas of Israeli concern was the danger earthquakes could pose to the future reactor and the impact such a geological disaster could in turn have on Israel. They were referring to a proposed site near Aqaba. Israel also has its own nuclear plant built near a fault line at Dimona, which dates back half a century.