New Romney spokesman deleted inflammatory tweets

WASHINGTON - Before joining Republican Mitt Romney's presidential campaign last week as a spokesman, Richard Grenell was a prolific - and inflammatory - voice on Twitter, posting biting commentary on subjects ranging from Newt Gingrich's weight to Michelle Obama exercising in the White House.
No more.
Since he joined Romney's campaign as foreign affairs spokesman, many of Grenell's most provocative musings on Twitter have been deleted in a cleanup that is the latest reminder of how social media has become a sideshow - and at times more - in the 2012 campaign.
In an email, Grenell, who was spokesman for the US mission to the United Nations during George W. Bush's presidency, acknowledged to Reuters that he began removing messages from Twitter after their content was reported by Politico on Friday.
Before then, Grenell had been an acerbic observer on Twitter of a wide range of political figures and topics.