Olympic C'tee criticized for choosing Bamba baby as mascot

The Israel Olympic Committee came under fire from members of Israel's social protest movement on Tuesday, after choosing the baby character from Osem's Bamba peanut snack as its new mascot for the London 2012 games.
Whereas the Olympic Committee said the character was "a sympathetic figure which has become a part of the lives of every parent and child in Israel," social justice protesters decried a corporate sponsor paying to have its logo represent the country.
The leaders of last summer's cottage cheese protest sent a letter to Israel Olympic Committee Deirector-General Ephraim Zinger on Tuesday, criticizing the decision to choose the Bamba baby as Israel's new Olympic mascot.
"The citizens of Israel are embarrassed by your decision to sell the rights to the symbol and mascot of Israel's Olympic team for nothing, so a product can be marketed."
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