Peace Now: Some 5,170 settlement unit plans advanced under current gov't

Some 5,170 settlement unit plans have been advanced since the establishment of the current government until the announcement of renewed peace talks, NGO Peace Now announced on Monday.
According to the NGO, the 5,170 units have past at least one of the planning stages. Some of the plans having been approved for depositing, some published for depositing and others having already been approved for validation.
Peace Now said in a statement that 27% were west of the Separation Barrier, while 29% were east of the barrier and 44% were between the current built barrier and the planned route of the barrier.
"The new government speaks about two states, meanwhile on the ground they are doing exactly the opposite," the organization said in a statement.
"While we are happy that the Israeli government has returned to negotiations, we are waiting to see if Netanyahu will walk the walk, and not just talk the talk. We call the government not approve any new plans and any new construction in settlements and truly give peace a chance."