Qurei calls for reconsidering one-state solution

Former Palestinian Authority prime minister Ahmed Qurei, who was one of the architects of the Oslo Accords, Saturday called on Palestinians to consider a one-state solution for Palestinians and Israelis instead of a two-state solution.
Voicing frustration and disappointment with the peace process, Qurei, who played a major role in secret and public negotiations with Israel over the past two decades, said that the "one-state solution, despite the endless problems it embraces, is one of the solutions that we should be contemplating through an internal dialogue."
He said that the Palestinians should be talking publicly about the one-state solution, putting it on the table as an option and throwing in the face of Israel as "burning embers."
Qurei's call for a one-state solution came in an article he published Saturday in the pan-Arab London-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper.