Report: Netanyahu asks US to delay Palmer Report 6 months

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has asked the United States to delay publication of the UN report on last year's raid of the Mavi Marmara flotilla ship by six months, Channel 2 reported on Sunday.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced on Friday that the Palmer Report on the Marmara incident will be postponed for the third time and will be published at the beginning of next month, according to Army Radio. Ban said that that the reason for the postponement was to give Israel and Turkey more time to reach an agreement. The Palmer Commission report, which has already been written, is widely believed to uphold the legality of Israel’s naval blockade of the Gaza Strip, and its right to intercept vessels trying to break the blockade.
According to the Channel 2 report, Netanyahu told the US that in six months time he expects to be stronger politically and better able to deal with the consequences of the report's publication.