Voting in Kadima leadership race set to begin at 10 a.m.

Some 95,000 members of Kadima will be eligible to vote Tuesday in the party's leadership race between current head Tzipi Livni and MK Shaul Mofaz. Beginning at 10 a.m., 197 polling stations at 104 sites throughout the country will open and close 12 hours later.
Official results are not expected until at least 1 a.m. but spokesmen for the candidates said they would know who won much earlier based on voter turnout in Livni’s and Mofaz’s respective strongholds.
Livni defeated Mofaz in the last Kadima primary in September 2008 by only 431 votes, amid accusations that the results were twisted by incorrect exit polls, the extension of voting hours and a polling station that was burned to the ground.
Livni is said to have an advantage in Tel Aviv and the Center and among Russian immigrants, while Mofaz is thought to be stronger in the North and South and among Arabs and Druse.