WJC head Lauder calls on Abbas to return to table

World Jewish Congress President Ron Lauder called on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to return to the negotiating table with Israel without preconditions.
In a full page add which ran in Thursday's Wall Street Journal and was scheduled to run in The Jerusalem Post on Friday, Lauder said "neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians, nor any of us who seek peace in the region can afford further delay."
Lauder stated that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu had made his intentions clear that he wished to reach a peace agreement based on a two-state solution in his 2009 Bar-Ilan speech, and that Abbas had not answered the call.
"President Abbas, both your people and the people of Israel will benefit from an agreement. Both will continue to suffer without one. Accept the offer to talk, President Abbas. It takes two sides to make peace," Lauder stated in the open letter.