'Without Meretz in next Knesset, Herzog has no chance to be PM,' party head says

Meretz is in danger of failing to attract the minimum number of votes needed to be in the next Knesset, a development that would effectively end any hopes of Zionist Union head Isaac Herzog unseating Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the head of the left-wing party said on Saturday.
During an appearance before a town hall meeting in Holon, Zehava Gal-On urged traditional Meretz supporters who are thinking of casting their ballot for the Zionist Union to reconsider.
"Meretz will endorse Herzog, so we are calling on our constituents to vote Meretz," she said. "Because the minimum threshold has been raised for this election, a truncated Meretz, or no Meretz, will preclude Herzog from becoming prime minister, and four Knesset seats will go down the drain."