Polish European Parliament member compares Holocaust to animal abuse

"It's time for a serious discussion about the treatment of animals, the conditions in which they live, and how we kill them."

nimal rights activists wearing chicken costumes take part in a protest outside the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem November 10, 2010. Some 20 activists took part in the protest organised by Anonymous animal rights association on Wednesday, against the use of cages in the Israeli egg industry. The si (photo credit: REUTERS)
nimal rights activists wearing chicken costumes take part in a protest outside the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem November 10, 2010. Some 20 activists took part in the protest organised by Anonymous animal rights association on Wednesday, against the use of cages in the Israeli egg industry. The si
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Polish European Parliament member Sylwia Spurek stirred up controversy on Tuesday evening after tweeting a drawing by vegan artist and activist Jo Frederiks, that depicts cows walking through a slaughterhouse corridor in clothes reminiscent of those worn by Jews in Nazi concentration camps.

While comparisons to the Holocaust are always problematic, the timing for her tweet comes as world leaders, including the president of the European Parliament, gather in Jerusalem for the fifth World Holocaust Forum, set to start on Wednesday evening.

High-level delegations from 49 countries are expected to take part in the main event at Yad Vashem on Thursday afternoon, to remember the Holocaust and commit to fighting antisemitism.
In the tweet, Spurek said the drawing gives "food for thought," saying that "it's time for a serious discussion about the treatment of animals, the conditions in which they live, and how we kill them. Is this humane? Is this still agriculture?"
This is not the first time that animal rights activists have compared. In fact, there is a book by David Sztybel entitled, "Can the Treatment of Animals Be Compared to the Holocaust?"