To fight coronavirus, Poland will use illegal vodka

As of Friday, the customs and tax-collection services announced that the spirits will not be destroyed but used to disinfect houses, cars and rooms to promote public health against COVID-19.

Belvedere Vodka (photo credit: Courtesy)
Belvedere Vodka
(photo credit: Courtesy)
The Polish state currently has 500,000 liters of illegal vodka and other spirits. As of Friday, they will be used for disinfecting.  
As the novel coronavirus epidemic spreads around the world, the EU, with Italy currently suffering more COVID-19 related deaths than China, is struggling to fight the virus.  
Poland confiscated vodka and other spirits which are either smuggled into the country or produced without proper licensing. The spirits are usually destroyed once they are no longer needed as evidence.  
As of Friday, the customs and tax-collection services announced that these spirits will not be destroyed but will be used to disinfect houses, cars and rooms to promote public health against COVID-19.  
Three hospitals, one in Elblag and two in Olsztyn, were given 2,500 liters, the Brussels Times reported.