
US will offer charter flights to help Americans leave Israel starting Friday

A State Department email seen by Reuters said it plans to offer transit options beginning on Friday "but it will take some period of time to schedule everyone seeking to depart."


A visit to Ben-Gurion Airport’s departures terminal – Who is flying out and why?

The departures terminal at Ben-Gurion is usually a hubbub of sound, with a good portion of it coming from loud, rapid-fire Hebrew. But on this Wednesday morning, there was almost none to be heard.


New UN migration chief worried boat deaths becoming 'normalized'

Earlier this month, a dinghy filled with belongings of refugees holding Somalian and Turkish documents and other belongings washed ashore in Netanya, with no expected survivors.

Israel urges Canada to address WW2 Nazi immigration policy towards Jews

Israel's envoy urges Canada to revisit WWII Nazi immigration and Jewish policy.

Christianity, illustrative

Messianic Jew denied Israeli citizenship, accused of missionary work

The Population and Immigration Authority accused a 75-year-old American Messianic Jew, the son of an Auschwitz survivor, of plotting to engage in missionary work in Israel.

UK Immigration Minister refuses meeting with border inspector over antisemitism

A reference was flagged by the UK Home Office officials flagged for fears of antisemitism. 

Almost 40% of Israelis contemplating emigrating in judicial reform protest

The number of Israelis intending to emigrate underscores the deepening crisis within Israel and raises questions about the nation's resilience, according to the Jewish People Policy Institute.


Trump made immigrants too scared to bring kids to the doctor - study

Well-child visits for children with immigrant mothers in the US declined after Trump’s hostile public stances on migration during his presidential campaign and presidency.

Meet the seven-foot tall Russian Jew making history in Israel

Georgi Krimantsky has become a legend not only for his extraordinary height but also for his remarkable journey from Russia to Israel.


Religious Zionist MK to advance bill greatly limiting migration into Israel

If the bill is to pass, Israel would have a set annual quota for people gaining refugee status in the country.

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