Iran News

Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, July 2020

Iran's Khamenei on Gaza: Islam will overcome 'crooked' Western civilization

The Iranian regime is a well known state sponsor of terrorist organizations across the Middle East, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.

IAEA chief says Iran's nuclear enrichment activity remains high

Iran denies seeking nuclear weapons but no other state has enriched to that level without producing them.


Iran claims to fire ballistic missile from new ship

The Shahid Mahdavi is a converted cargo ship used by the IRGC navy, and Iran says it has now increased the range of influence and Tehran’s naval power

World Hijab Day: Unwrapping the debate over head covering

While some countries enforce the mandatory wearing of traditional headwear, several European countries have banned it or are considering banning it in certain public areas.


Does Iran really believe Israel wants all-out war in the Middle East?

Iran has publicly accused Israel of seeking an "all-out war" in the Middle East. But how does the Iranian regime truly feel?

Israel-Hamas War: What happened on Day 88?

IDF strikes Hamas commander, four Hezbollah terrorists killed • Hamas terrorists admit to exploiting civilians in IDF investigation

Fire breaks out at refinery in Iranian city of Isfahan - IRNA

An official said pipes at the entrance of unit 3 of the refinery caught fire. He did not say what caused the pipes to catch fire.


Khamenei promises ‘de-Americanization’ of Mideast - analysis

All eyes are on Iran in terms of the next moves it may make. 

US issues Iran sanctions on one-year anniversary of Mahsa Amini's death

Britain separately announced its sanctions targeting senior Iranian decision makers enforcing Tehran's mandatory hijab law.


'Gender apartheid': UN slams Iran modesty laws, one year to Amini's killing

The UN said that this is "gender discrimination designed to bring the women of Iran into complete submission."

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