state department

Blinken: No double standard on Israel and human rights

Blinken said the Department will have "more to say" about Israel's adherence to the Leahy law in the coming days. 

Israeli gov't committed human rights abuses in 2023, State Department says

The report, which runs 103 pages, details intentional efforts by National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir to worsen conditions for security prisoners, and the denial of visits by the Red Cross.

US State Department calls Qatar 'close partner' on hostage negotiations, says talks continue

The US has made "absolutely clear" that the government of Israel has a responsibility to police settler violence and has the responsibility to hold extremist settlers who commit violence accountable.

Russian military intelligence unit may be linked to 'Havana syndrome', Insider reports

Symptoms of the ailment have included migraines, nausea, memory lapses, and dizziness.


'A revitalized PA is essential': US State Department welcomes PA cabinet nominations

US welcomes new Palestinian cabinet for peace and reform. Mustafa's dual-role cabinet aims to reform under President Abbas's leadership.


US announces additional sanctions against Houthi financier

Since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war, the Iranian-backed group has terrorized shipping networks, leading the US State Department to take a firmer stance.

When the US supported Zionist territorial claims

One could ask Blinken whether “old” settlements are legal or whether it is only “any expansion” of Jewish communities that would be illegal.

Bank Leumi freezes account of Israeli sanctioned by US

According to the State Department, Levi led a group of settlers who created an atmosphere of fear in the West Bank.

White House names Iranian proxy groups responsible for attack

Biden can retaliate without effect on hostage deal, Washington says.

US urges restraint 'on all sides' as tensions grow between its ally Pakistan and Iran

"Pakistan is a major non-NATO ally of the United States. That will remain the case, but we would urge restraint in this case," a State Department spokesman said.

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