The Bryks welcome Estie’s mom, Rosalyn Zelig, home!

A few months after not having been able to join them previously, Estie and Joel welcome Estie’s mom Rosalyn.

The Bryks welcome Estie’s mom, Rosalyn Zelig, home! (Video Credit: Shai Getzoff)

We recently followed the Aliyah video diary of Dr. Joel and Estie Bryk, formerly of Woodmere, NY. The Bryks were among nearly 4,400 Olim who arrived through Nefesh B’Nefesh in 2021. 

Now, a few months after not having been able to join them previously, Estie and Joel welcome Estie’s mom Rosalyn (88), who reunites with her 6 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren already living in Israel! Nefesh B’Nefesh and its partners excitedly welcome Rosalyn home and wish her a wonderful life in Israel, surrounded by family and loved ones! 

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