Jewish-Arab Hadash Party: Israel in ‘blood covenant’ with ISIS and US to divide Syria
The party claims that the way to oppose the civil war in Syria is “to stand with the Syrian people against imperialism, Zionism, and the Arab [response].”
By ARIEL BEN SOLOMONISIS militant.(photo credit: REUTERS)
The Jewish-Arab Hadash Party, which is the most moderate of the parties in the Joint List, pedaled a conspiracy theory on Sunday saying Israel is in “a true blood covenant” with the Islamic State, according to a statement.“Cooperation between Israel and the Nusra Front is indicative of the partnership between them and American imperialism in their plan to break up Syria and divide the Syrian people,” said the statement issued by spokesman Raja Zaatry. The answer to the massacres and sectarianism is “to stand with the Syrian people against imperialism, Zionism, and the Arab [response].”The statement was agreed to by all of the Hadash MKs, a party source told The Jerusalem Post, clarifying that this position only represents the party and not the Joint List as a whole.Israeli Arabs are split between support for Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime and the opposition.Such extreme rhetoric works against the efforts that the Joint List, led by Hadash head Ayman Odeh, made in its outreach to the Jewish public during and after its election campaign.This comes after the party declared last week that it supports boycotting Israeli companies in the settlements.“Hadash welcomes all expressions of solidarity with the Palestinian people in its just struggle, including boycotting commercial enterprises that are involved in the occupation and in violation of the Palestinian people’s rights,” the party said. “This is a legitimate manner of civil resistance.”