Wine tasting tour in the Jezreel Valley

Escape the political hustle and bustle and enjoy a dreamy tour among vineyards in the Jezreel Valley this Passover.

  (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

Tired of living life according to the whims of generals and politicians? Talia Levin plans a dreamy trip for you amidst the vineyards of the Jezreel Valley.

I couldn't care less about the Iranians, nor do I care about vengeance and reactions. To be honest, I'm tired of planning my life around the personal disruptions of generals from various countries. So, this upcoming Passover, I'm making plans and just going with the flow. It's the most beautiful season of the year, and it seems to me that it wouldn't hurt any of us to drink a little more than usual, arrange meals with friends, and go out into nature.

Where to wander this time? The Jezreel Valley is an area I particularly love and haven't explored much lately. Recently, I discovered a charming winery there that I hadn't known before, bearing the same name.

Jezreel Valley Winery, located in Kibbutz Hanaton, has a lovely visitors center just over an hour's drive from the center, a great place to unwind and breathe in some greenery. In 2012, the winery was established, and its agenda was the production of 100% Israeli wines suitable for the Mediterranean climate or as they say at the winery: "varieties that love plenty of sunshine."

Here are two warm recommendations I've checked out in advance: Sauvignon Blanc 2023, perfect for lounging on the lawn on the intermediate days of Passover. It's a balanced and refreshing wine with a subtle acidity. Whether you're there or just ordering home, go for the Sauvignon Blanc.

Another recommendation for palate enthusiasts and the curious who want to try something different: Argaman 2020. An Israeli grape variety, which has been described as a bit like Israelis, hard to digest.

At Jezreel Valley Winery, they succeeded in making a very interesting wine out of it, which I would bring to a fancy meal. It's unique, complex, and develops slowly in the glass.

  (credit: PR)
(credit: PR)

Passing through Netofa

The next stop is Netofa Winery, open in a kosher format for Passover even on Hol Hamoed and the second holiday evening. This won't be my first or even second time there. It's always fun to stop by this winery for tastings and even a small purchase before heading to the lawn by the Sea of Galilee.

Latour Yellow 2023 Russian and Blanc is my winning choice, a new wine that I recommend taking for any picnic.

Netofa Winery also launched a special edition wine: Inta Omri Rose from the 2023 vintage, created, at the family's request, in memory of Omri Lavi who was murdered in Nova, with fifteen percent of the proceeds from it, going to support the families of the abducted. Purchase only available on the winery's website.

  (credit: PR)
(credit: PR)