Arab Paper: Iran to target Netanyahu if nuclear sites attacked

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The Kuwaiti newspaper al-Sayissa reported Wednesday that Iran has urgently summoned either Syrian Vice President Farouk Sharaa or Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem and Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah. They are apparently being called to the Iranian capital to receive orders to be carried out in the event of Iranian nuclear sites being targeted in war, Israel Radio reported. The newspaper quoted a Gulf state diplomat as saying that Nasrallah will travel to Teheran in the coming days in order to receive his marching-orders. Iranian opposition organizations in Paris told the newspaper that the Iranian intelligence apparatus has established a bank of targets including political leaders and others, who would be targeted if the Iranian sites are attacked. According to the report, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is among those who would be targeted for assasination, as well as Defense Minister Ehud Barak and others from the UK, France, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. The Jerusalem Post could not independently confirm the report.