Mayoral election results in Rehovot, Ness Ziona, Ma'ale Adumim released

The Israeli cities of Rehovot, Ness Ziona, and Ma'ale Adumim concluded their mayoral elections Tuesday night and published the results to Israeli media.

Rehovot mayoral candidates Matan Dil (36%) and Zahar Blum (26%) are headed to a run-off election after neither candidate garnered the necessary votes to avoid a run-off. Rehovot's incumbent Mayor Rahim Malol was ousted after winning only 21% of the votes. 

Shmuel Boxer won the mayoral election the city of Ness Ziona after receiving 45% of the votes in his city.

Guy Yifrah won in Ma'ale Adumim with 53 percent of the votes. His opponent Shlomi Yeruham received 47 percent of the votes.