Ben-Eliezer said to be convincing Mitzna to Labor's helm

Industry, Trade and Labor Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer met last week in Yeruham with former regional council head and Labor party leader Amram Mitzna to convince him to return to party politics and reclaim his former leadership position, it was reported by various Israeli media on Wednesday.
Mitzna "is the one person who can save the movement," Ben-Eliezer - a one time rival of Mitzna for the Labor Party's top spot - has been quoted as saying.
Nineteen percent of the general public believes that Mitzna is best-suited towards leading the Labor Party, based on a polling survey conducted by the Hagal Hahadash research institute in conjunction with Channel 2 news.  The next closest contenders, MK Shelly Yacimovich and current leader Ehud Barak received 18% and 14% support rankings, respectively.