Court orders Ethiopian protesters remove tent

The Supreme Court on Sunday called for the Jerusalem Municipality andEthiopian activists, who have been maintaining a protest tent outsidethe Prime Minister’s residence for the past two months, to reach anagreement to dismantle the tent ahead of national Remembrance Day in aweek and a half.
The decision, which was passed down by Supreme Court Judge TzviZilbertal, drew strong condemnation from the Knesset’s onlyEthiopian-born MK Shlomo Molla (Kadima). He pointed out that theprotest tent is in the same location where supporters and family ofthe now returned IDF soldier Gilad Schalit maintained their vigil formore than three years.
Molla pointed out there was no difference between the social justiceprotest of Ethiopian activists who are angry over the government’sfailure to address what they believe is gross discrimination againstthe community and the call of the Schalit family for the government’shelp in returning their son. Molla said that the court’s decision wasmore proof of state-instituted racism against Ethiopian Israelis.Activists, who have been living in the tent since mid-Februaryfollowing a spate of media reports of extreme discrimination againstIsraelis of Ethiopian decent, say their battle is for justice andequality.
One woman told The Jerusalem Post that she was protesting to make surethat her daughter would have a good future filled with confidence andpride.