ELAL turned one woman’s panic into relief Wednesday after a forgotten backpackcontaining $50,000 worth of jewelry and irreplaceable business documents wasdiscovered and safely returned by airline employees.
Upon arrivalfrom into ,the EL AL passenger accidentally left her backpack at the baggage claim areanext to the luggage carousel. The bag contained over $50,000 worth of jewelry,including an 18 carat gold rope necklace, Tahitian black pearls, white pearlsand diamond rings, said the airline in a statement Wednesday. There was also alaptop, her pocketbook with personal items plus the important business papers.
Itwas only upon arrival at her home in when the passenger discovered that thebackpack was missing. She immediately returned to JFK and, on her way,received a call from the EL AL information desk that the bag was found and allthe items were safe. The EL AL agent found her cell phone number on aprescription bottle that was in the back pack.