Environmentalists slam World Bank's Red-Dead Sea plan

As the World Bank prepares to move forward with public hearings on a Red Sea-Dead Sea conduit project next week, regional environmental group Friends of the Earth Middle East and the Environmental Protection Ministry have slammed the plan as destructive to the very sea that it aims to save.
“We coined the phrase ‘Save the Dead Sea’ 15 or 16 years ago, so we want our governments to come with support – but to the right project, not the wrong project,” Friends of the Earth executive director Gidon Bromberg said, at a press conference in Tel Aviv on Tuesday.
A month ago, the World Bank released three detailed reports regarding a trilateral plan to build a 180-kilometer pipeline to transport water from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea – a feasibility study, an environmental and social assessment, and a study of strategic alternatives, drafted by different external authors.