Livni: Israeli public must be united on demographic issue

Kadima and opposition leader Tzipi Livni had harsh words to say about Israeli society and its complacence in the face of what she termed “two major issues in which the opposition and coalition are united, the Iranian threat and the troubling de-legitimization around the world of the existence of Israel as a Jewish state.”
Speaking at the Jerusalem Conference on Wednesday morning, Livni said that “the deep rifts between us” arise from an inability to make tough decisions. “If we do not make a choice, we risk losing all that we hold dear,” she said. “The Jewish majority in Israel is important, but it is not just a demographic issue. More so, it is an issue of creating a Jewish identity which cements Judaism as a national matter, not only in Bnei Brak and Mea Shearim, but also in Tel Aviv.”
Livni warned that if Israel’s government did not make a choice considering the country’s demographic situation, a country would eventually develop “between the [Mediterranean] Sea and Jordan with voting rights for all its residents … if we do not make the necessary decisions, we will have an Arab state [in Israel], and I cannot accept this.”