Mofaz echoes Livni's criticism of settlement moratorium

Mofaz echoes Livnis cri

Kadima leader Tzipi Livni and her number two Shaul Mofaz don't normally see eye-to-eye, but they both appear to agree on their criticism of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's recently imposed 10-month settlement moratorium. "The government has no policy to realize the vision of two states for two peoples," Mofaz told Israel Radio on Tuesday morning. "This stems from a lack of decisiveness and brings Israel to a state of being dragged along in the international arena - the weak are dragged along." He said the settlement moratorium should have been part of a wide agreement, "but the government gave the US no choice but to enforce the freeze." Mofaz also criticized the prime minister for implemented the moratorium in larger settlement blocs. "We conducted negotiations with the Palestinians…and the issue of a freeze in large settlement blocs - Ariel, Ma'aleh Adumim, Gush Etzion - never came up," he said. The Kadima number 2 said the government had made the status of the settlement blocs, which he called "a national security interest for Israel," like that of the most recently erected outpost "that needs to be frozen." During a Kadima faction meeting on Monday, Livni accused Netanyahu of endangering Israel's interests by grouping settlement blocs together with outposts in his 10-month building moratorium.