'Post' receives bomb threat

An anonymous email sent to senior Jerusalem Post staffers overnight Wednesday threatened to blow up the paper's Jerusalem office.
The garbled English email, addressed to the "Chief editor," demanded that $2 million be delivered in cash to a specific location in the capital in order to "avoid an explosion."
The Post's editor-in-chief Steve Linde notified the Jerusalem police Thursday morning, and a team of investigators arrived at the paper's offices to conduct a thorough search and question staffers who had received the email.  Cybercrime experts also arrived to trace the email in an effort to locate its origins. Police were deployed at the Post's offices both in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv following the bomb threat, and security was boosted at both locations.
It wasn't clear whether the threat was connected to the paper's publication of the new Charlie Hebdo cover featuring a caricature of Muhammad.
"We take these kinds of threats very seriously, but we are not going to let it deter our freedom to publish what we believe our readers have the right to see," said Linde.