Road Safety Authority launches traffic campaign for Sukkot

Following last Passover, during which a steep rise in the number of traffic accidents and fatalities occurred, the National Road Safety Authority has launched for Sukkot a radio campaign about the importance of wearing seatbelts and employing child car seats.
In addition, the traffic division of the Israel Police will be performing enhanced traffic enforcement activities along the country's main arteries for the duration of the holiday, the Road Safety Authority said. Safety patrol cars from the Road Safety Authority will also be taking part in this effort by stationing themselves all around the country.
As families head out on trips together, the Road Safety Authority recommends first checking tire condition, brakes and headlights and preplanning routes to minimize use of navigation devices, which cause distractions.
Drivers should make sure everyone in the car is wearing seatbelts and should refrain from eating or smoking while driving, the authority added. Stopping on the shoulder of the road should be avoided, but taking breaks at rest stops is recommended, the authority said.