State Attorney: No approval on arrest of Sudanese citizens

The State Attorney's Office said on Thursday that there has been no official approval on the issue of arresting and detaining Sudanese asylum seekers, according to the Association for Civil Rights, Israel.
ACRI said in a statement that the State Attorney emphasized the Population, Immigration and Borders Authority received "no instructions to arrest Sudanese citizens." The office added that should such a decision be reached in the future, it would be published through official channels thirty days prior to its execution.
The State Attorney's Office comments come in response to a petition filed against a public announcement by Interior Minister Eli Yishai that Sudanese asylum seekers would have until October 15 to leave Israel, after which they will be arrested and detained.
However, ACRI state, the announcement was "issued of Yishai's own accord, without coordination and did not receive the authorization of a government agency."
Following the announcement, Sudanese asylum seekers and human rights organizations sought an injunction to prevent the Interior Minister from imprisoning Sudanese refugees. The Jerusalem District Court granted a preliminary injunction on the issue, which is pending a court decision at the end of the month.