Yoel Schalit: Release of Gilad is in Netanyahu's hands

The release of captured IDF soldier Gilad Schalit is in the hands of the government and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Yoel Schalit told Army Radio on Monday.
Ahead of Saturday, which marks five years since the day Gilad was kidnapped, Yoel said, "To think about what is happening to him now - it's inconceivable to me. I can only imagine it in my worst dreams."
Schalit said in the interview, "We've been sitting in the protest tent outside the prime minister's home for nearly a year now, and the truth is that from the beginning we knew this would be long process.
"We passed four seasons there, but unfortunately it's not up to use. It depends on the government and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu," Schalit said. "Every day I hope, that our suffering and Gilad's suffering, ends already."