Seven percent of those polled by Reuters/Ipsos express varying levels of support for white nationalism.
By ERIC SUMNERneo Nazi 248.88(photo credit: AP [file])
White supremacists and neo-Nazis have received more than their fair share of attention as of late, but how many Americans actually harbor racist ideologies? According to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, that number is surprisingly high.Last Thursday's poll revealed that while the vast majority of Americans explicitly reject white supremacy (85 percent of over 5,000 respondents said that all races are equal), almost a third agree that “America must protect and preserve its White European heritage.” Thirty-nine percent said they believe white people are currently under attack.Seven percent of respondents expressed varying levels of support for white nationalism, and four percent support neo-Nazism.In comparison, less than four percent of Americans are Jewish.The poll, conducted in partnership with the University of Virginia Center for Politics, also measured support for extremist groups on the left and Black Lives Matter.Thirty-two percent supported Black Lives Matter and eight percent supported Antifa.