Unknown painting by a master discovered behind wall in Paris

During renovation work on the Oscar de la Renta boutique in Paris, workers found an unknown 17th Century painting hidden behind a wall.

A painting by Arnould de Vuez depicting Francis of Assisi, the painting can be seen in the Hospice Comtesse in Lille. (photo credit: VELVET / WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)
A painting by Arnould de Vuez depicting Francis of Assisi, the painting can be seen in the Hospice Comtesse in Lille.
A massive painting by the 17th Century master painter Arnould de Vuez was accidentally discovered during renovation work done on the new Oscar de la Renta boutique in Paris, The New York Times reported on Monday.
During renovations, workers found a hidden space inside the building where a 10-by-20-ft oil painting was kept hidden for roughly 300 years depicting noblemen on horseback - with Jerusalem in the background.
An art historian identified the painter as Arnould de Vuez and the people in the painting as Marquis de Nointel, who served as the French ambassador to the Ottoman Court.
A known plate depicting his arrival to Jerusalem was published in a book reprinted in 1900, yet the original large-scale painting was lost.
The fashion firm agreed to restore the painting if the owners of the building agreed to let them keep it in their store once it is opened in the spring.
The original owners of the painting remain a mystery.