Capital Calender: May 6 - May 13

The Israeli Opera’s studio opera performs operatic arias and duets by Bizet, Rossini, Verdi, Mozart, Offenbach and more.

Israeli opera at Masada 311 (photo credit: Courtesy)
Israeli opera at Masada 311
(photo credit: Courtesy)
Information on events in and around Jerusalem may be submitted to INJERUSALEMEVENTS@GMAIL.COM, or mailed to In Jerusalem, PO Box 81, 91000 Jerusalem.
Please indicate “Capital Calendar” clearly on all submissions.

The deadline for submissions is THURSDAY, 8 DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLICATION AT 4 P.M. Events are in English unless otherwise noted.
Excellence Series – The Israeli Opera’s studio opera performs operatic arias and duets by Bizet, Rossini, Verdi, Mozart, Offenbach and more. • 12 noon at the Ein Kerem Music Center. Info: 641-4250. NIS 25/35.
Charlie Kons and Itamar – Outside of the Picture.
• 10 p.m. at Uganda, 4 Rehov Aristobulus. Info: 623- 6087.
There’s No Place Like Home – Architecture in Jerusalem during the British Mandate, with architect David Kroyanker. • 10:30 a.m. at the Bible Lands Museum, 25 Rehov Granot. Info and reservations: 561-1066. NIS 50.

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Freecycling Market – Get rid of your unwanted stuff (no leather, please) and collect other people’s stuff, while enjoying vegan food. • 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Ginger, the Vegetarian Community Center, 8 Rehov Balfour. Info: 566-5737. Free.
Chamber Music – With the Rishonim Quartet, performing works by Haydn, Shostakovich and Dvorak.
• 12 noon at the Ein Kerem Music Center. Info: 641- 4250. NIS 60/75.
Classical Music – Ilya Konovalov, violin; the Kfar Saba Choir and the Jerusalem Festival Orchestra, conducted by Aharon Harlap, perform Mendelssohn’s violin concerto and Mozart’s Requiem. • 12 noon at the Augusta Victoria Church, Mount of Olives. Info: 535-6954. NIS 150.
Aya Korem – An intimate performance in honor of the release of Korem’s upcoming third album. • 10 p.m. at Beit Avi Chai, 44 King George Avenue. Info and reservations: 621-5900. NIS 30/50.
Ofer Golani and Your Sister – Classic rock covers.
• 10 p.m. at the Blaze Bar, 23 Rehov Hillel. Info: 054- 816-5488. No cover charge..
The Rockers – Electric blues. • 10:30 p.m. at Mike’s Place, 33 Jaffa Road. Info: 054-531-3255. No cover.
Grocery Store – A co-production of the Cameri Theater and Beit Lessin about Jaffa in the 1970s.
Written and directed by Hillel Mittelpunkt. In Hebrew.
• 9:15 p.m. at the Jerusalem Theater, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info and reservations: 560-5755. NIS 200.
The Cherry Orchard – Anton Chekhov’s play about an aristocratic woman who returns to her family’s estate just before it is auctioned to pay the mortgage.
In Hebrew. • 9 p.m. at the Khan Theater, 2 Rehov David Remez. Info and reservations: 671-8281.
Jerusalem Blend – Featuring Benji Lovitt, David Kilminick and more. • 9:45 p.m. at the Off The Wall Comedy Basement, 34 Ben-Yehuda (corner of King George, down the stairs, near Hamashbir).
Info and reservations: 050-875-5688. NIS 40/50 (includes a free drink).
Jaffa Road – Conducted by the Jerusalem Development Authority. • 10 a.m. at Safra Square, 20 Jaffa Road. Info: 106; 671-5288. Free.
Rosebud – A peek into the world of Sleeping Beauty. For ages 4 and up, in Hebrew. • 11 a.m. at the Train Theater, Liberty Bell Park. Info and reservations: 561-8514. NIS 40.
The Miserly King – A musical puppet show for the whole family, presented by the Mifaresh theater group, about a very stingy king. For ages 4-8. • 12 noon at the Latrun Monastery. Info and reservations: 535-6954. NIS 50.
The Diary of a Wimpy Kid – A comedic children’s film about social pressure and fitting in. Also featuring an acting workshop. In Hebrew. • 11 a.m. at the Jerusalem Cinematheque, 11 Derech Hebron. Info: 565-4333. NIS 36.
Open Jam Session – Blues and rock. • 10 p.m. at the Blaze Bar, 23 Rehov Hillel. Info: 054-816-5488. No cover.
Independence Day Concert – The Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Leon Botstein with Boris Giltburg, piano, performs works by Lavry, Rachmaninoff and Brahms. • 9:30 p.m. at the Jerusalem Theater, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info and reservations: 560-5755.
Blaze House Rock – Special Independence Day performance.
• 10 p.m. at the Blaze Bar, 23 Rehov Hillel.
Info: 054-816-5488. No cover.
Independence Day Party – With Matok Li Miyau, performing funk and rock. • 10:30 p.m. at Mike’s Place, 33 Jaffa Road. Info: 054-531-3255. No cover.
Comedy and Poetry Open Mic – Take part in Jerusalem artistic expression. All performances welcome.
• 10 p.m. at the Off The Wall Comedy Basement, 34 Ben-Yehuda (corner of King George, down the stairs, near Hamashbir). Info and reservations: 050-875-5688. One drink minimum purchase.
National Remembrance Day Ceremony – Memorial service in memory of fallen soldiers. With the prime minister, MKs, the Jerusalem mayor and bereaved families. • 11 a.m. at the Mount Herzl cemetery.
Festive Prayer Service – A festive Independence Day prayer service at the Western Wall, with guest rabbis, followed by dancing. • 6:45 p.m.
Hatikva, from Herzl to Subliminal – With Astrit Baltsan performing and discussing “Hatikva,” with excerpts from Mozart, Smetana and Chopin. • 9 p.m.
at the Jerusalem Theater, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info and reservations: 560-5755. NIS 120.
Magnificat Open Music – Teachers and students of the Magnificat Institute in concert. • 6 p.m. at St.
Saviour’s Monastery, Old City, New Gate (just inside the gate, first left). Info: 626-6609. Free.
Open Mic with Mike Perry – All performers welcome.
Enjoy late-night professional and amateur singing with your friends. • 9:30 p.m. sign up; shows begin at 10 p.m. at the Off The Wall Comedy Basement, 34 Ben-Yehuda (corner of King George, down the stairs, near Hamashbir). Info and reservations: 050-875-5688. One drink minimum purchase.
Mary Ocher – War songs. • 9:30 p.m. at Uganda, 4 Rehov Aristobulus. Info: 623-6087.
Kalabat Shabbat – Special performance of the satirical show in honor of Independence Day With Jackie Levy and special guest Dori Ben-Ze’ev. In Hebrew. • 8:30 p.m. at Beit Avi Chai, 44 King George Avenue.
Info and reservations: 621-5900.
Living Museum – A special Independence Day event for the whole family, including ceramics, mosaics, pita baking, a petting zoo and a paper workshop.
• 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Ein Yael. Info and reservations: 645-1866. NIS 35/40.
Museums Open to the Public – The Israel Museum, the Bloomfield Science Museum and the Old Yishuv Court Museum in the Old City are open free of charge. Call for hours. • Israel Museum: 670- 8811. Science Museum: 654-4888. Old Yishuv Court Museum: 627-6319.
IDF Exhibition – See tanks, learn about ammunition, see police horses and dogs perform and more. • 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Ammunition Hill. Info: 582-8442.
Underground Prisoners Museum – A special scavenger hunt with costumed actors and art workshops.
• 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. at the Underground Prisoners Museum, the Russian Compound. Info: 623-3166. NIS 10/15.
Recycle Workshop – Children create works of art out of recycled materials. Ages 3-9. • 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. at the Israel Museum Youth Wing. Info: 670-8963. NIS 15.
Tour with Jack, The 1948 Cease-Fire Line – A walking tour with licensed guide Jack Cadranel. • 9:30 a.m. at the Haas Promenade (Tayelet) parking lot, near the UN building. Info and registration: 054- 647-8955; NIS 60.
From the Bible to 1948 – A hike covering history, tradition and nature around Tzoba. • 10 a.m. at the lobby of the Tzoba hotel. Info and reservations: 534- 7000. NIS 20.
Bamat Hasela – A walk between vineyards and remnants of the biblical city of Bamat Hasela. • 2 p.m. at the lobby of the Tzoba hotel. Info and reservations: 534-7000. NIS 20.
Independence Day Jeep Ride – A family jeep ride in the hills of Jerusalem, Midbar Yehuda or the Beit Shemesh forest. Jeeps can seat up to seven people. • Info and reservations: 050-903-1913. NIS 750-1000.
Classical Music – The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Herbert Blomstedt, with violinist Alexandra Soumm, performs works by Mozart and Dvorak. • 8:30 p.m. at Binyenei Ha’uma, 1 Rehov Shazar. Info and reservations: 1-700-703-030.
Classical Intermezzo – Greece, Rome and the Italian Opera. With soloists from the Israeli Opera. • 6:30 p.m. at the Bible Lands Museum, 25 Rehov Granot. Info and reservations: 561-1066. Free with admission to the museum.
Bellamiya – Featuring Maya Gutman, soprano; Amiram Zmany, bass-baritone; Vladimir Chernomordik, clarinet and Bella Steinbock, piano, perform music from musicals and films. • 8 p.m. at Ticho House, 9 Rehov Harav Kook. Info and reservations: 535-6954. NIS 55.
Conclusion of Young Musicians Program – A varied program of musical groups. • 7 p.m. at the Jerusalem Music Center, Mishkenot Sha’ananim.
Info: 624-1041. Free.
Alma Zohar – The critically acclaimed Israeli singer performs songs from Arrangements. • 9 p.m. at Beit Avi Chai, 44 King George Avenue. Info and reservations: 621-5900. NIS 20/60.
Prime Minister and the Cabinet – A tribute to Cheli Bar-Mocha and the Jama. • 10 p.m. at the Blaze Bar, 23 Rehov Hillel. Info: 054-816-5488. No cover.
Amit Meiri – Acoustic rock. • 10:30 p.m. at Mike’s Place, 33 Jaffa Road. Info: 054-531-3255. No cover.
Sheindale – The Beit Lessin Theater presents the story of a young woman from the haredi Mea She’arim neighborhood who becomes embroiled in a hassidic political struggle. In Hebrew. • 8:30 p.m. at the Jerusalem Theater, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info and reservations: 560-5755. NIS 200.
Stand-up Marathon – Host Edan Mizrachi takes the new comedians of Israel to the stage, in Hebrew. • 10:30 p.m. at the Off The Wall Comedy Basement, 34 Ben-Yehuda (corner of King George, down the stairs, near Hamashbir). Info and reservations: 050-875- 5688. NIS 20.
Slaughtered Cow, Shabbat – A new season of the satirical performance. Why isn’t every day Shabbat? Who thought of it first? How do you observe it? • 10 p.m. at Beit Avi Chai, 44 King George Avenue. Info and reservations: 621-5900.
Undercover in Damascus: Eli Cohen Spies – The story of Eli Cohen, the Israeli spy. With Avraham Cohen, Eli’s brother, answering questions after the screening. • 11 a.m. at the AACI, 2 Rehov Poalei Tzedek (corner of Pierre Koenig, opposite Hadar Mall). NIS 5/15.
Greece and the Etruscan World – With Dr. Lihi Habas of the Hebrew University. • 7:30 p.m. at the Bible Lands Museum, 25 Rehov Granot. Info and reservations: 561-1066. Free with admission to the museum.
The Atypical Treatment of Popular Devotional Practices and Religious Artifacts – Under the auspices of the Nehemia Levtzion Center for Islamic Studies and the Center for the Study of Christianity.
• 4:15 p.m. in room 2001, 2nd floor, Rabin building, Mount Scopus campus of Hebrew University. Info: 588-1398.
Tour with Jack, Rebuilding Jewish Jerusalem – 1267-1860, from the Ramban to the Old Yishuv, with licensed guide Jack Cadranel. • 9:30 a.m. just outside the Zion Gate. Info and registration: 054-647-8955; NIS 60 + NIS 10 site entrance fee.
Getting Younger As You Age – On incorporating exercise, healthy eating and thinking young. With Alan Freishtat, personal fitness trainer; Linda Holtz, a cognitive behavioral therapist, and Howie Kahn, a successful graduate of the program. • 8 p.m. at the OU Israel Center, 22 Rehov Keren Hayesod. Info: 654- 0728. NIS 25/30.
Cooking Workshop – Taste of Thai, meatless Mexican and tea breads. • 1:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. at the Jerusalem Culinary Institute, 6 Rehov Yad Harutzim.
Info and reservations:992-3128;; NIS 135/150.
The Cuarteto Casals – The Spanish group performs works by Purcell, Beethoven and Shostakovich. • 8:30 p.m. at the Jerusalem YMCA, 26 King David Street.
Info and reservations: 624-1041. NIS 110/130.
The Glory of Italian Liturgy – Featuring the Shahar Choir, the Barrocade Ensemble and soloists Ye’ela Avital and David Feldman, performing Stabat Mater by Pergolesi and Gloria by Vivaldi. • 8:30 p.m.
St. Andrew’s Scottish Church, 1 Rehov Remez. Info and reservations: 630-3600. NIS 70/100.
Jerusalem Folk Music – Featuring Alisa Finerman and Kimball Hurd, Delmark Goldfarb, Cyrelle Forman Soffer, Eli “Dr. Blues” Marcus and Hal Wrobel. • 8:30 p.m. at Beit Yehudit (ICCC), 12 Rehov Emek Refaim. Info and reservations: 054-752-1239.
NIS 35.
Yinon Muallem – A unique blend of Jewish and Turkish music. • 10 p.m. at the Yellow Submarine, 13 Rehov Harechavim. Info: 679-4040. NIS 50/55/60.
Pritzat Disk – Rock party. • 10 p.m. at the Blaze Bar, 23 Rehov Hillel. Info: 054-816-5488. No cover.
Clare Diane and Graffiti – Classic rock. • 10:30 p.m. at Mike’s Place, 33 Jaffa Road. Info: 054-531- 3255. No cover.
Natural Sting – The Tziporela ensemble performs short satirical bits, sketches and music. In Hebrew. • 9:15 p.m. at the Jerusalem Theater, 20 Rehov Marcus.
Info and reservations: 560-5755. NIS 130.
The Anthology – Zalma Greenwald, a Holocaust survivor, plays the piano and forces her son to be the second generation in contemporary conflict-ridden Israel. In Hebrew. • 8:30 p.m. at Beit Avi Chai, 44 King George Avenue. Info and reservations: 621- 5900. NIS 30/60.
Sheindale – 9 p.m. See Wednesday’s listings.
The Aliyah Monologues – A tour of funny through the Holy Land with David Kilimnick. • 8:30 p.m. at the Off The Wall Comedy Basement, 34 Ben-Yehuda (corner of King George, down the stairs, near Hamashbir). Info and reservations: 050-875-5688.
NIS 40/50 (includes a free drink).
Jerusalem Stand-up with Tel Aviv Friends – Some of Israel’s finest comedians perform with Jerusalem’s Eidan Mizrachi, in Hebrew. • 10:30 p.m. at the Off The Wall Comedy Basement, 34 Ben-Yehuda (corner of King George, down the stairs, near Hamashbir).
Info and reservations: 050-875-5688. NIS 45 (includes a free drink).
TALKS Indian Literary Festival – Indian and Israeli authors discuss their work, influences and themes. • 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. at Mishkenot Sha’ananim. Info and registration: 629-2212. Free.
A Look at the Fathers – Focusing on rabbis from Pirkei Avot. With Prof. Avigdor Shinan and author Yehudit Rotem, on Elisha Ben-Avuya. • 8 p.m. at Beit Avi Chai, 44 King George Avenue. Info and reservations: 621-5900.
Behind-the-Scenes Magical Tour – The audience is invited to a tour behind the curtains of the theater, learning about how a production is made. For children ages 5-10; in Hebrew. • 4 p.m. at the Jerusalem Theater, 20 Rehov Marcus. Info and reservations: 560- 5755. NIS 45/55.
Family Fun at the Tower of David – An afternoon activity featuring creative games, riddles and language puzzles in the exhibition “Letters and More.”
For ages 6-12, in Hebrew. • 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. at the Tower of David Museum, Jaffa Gate. Info: 626-5333.
NIS 20.
Cooking Workshops – Indian delights, sushi rolls and Asian cuisine. • 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at the Jerusalem Culinary Institute, 6 Rehov Yad Harutzim.
Info and reservations: 992-3128;;
Idan Elterman and the Magical Mystery Tour – The comedian joins forces with the rock band, performing classic rock hits translated into Hebrew. • 10 p.m. at the Yellow Submarine, 13 Rehov Harechavim.
Info and reservations: 679-4040. NIS 60/65/70.
Authors at the Gardens – Guided tours, followed by a discussion with author Ze’ev Begin, in Hebrew. • 10 a.m. the tour begins, followed by the author discussion at 11 a.m. at the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens. Info and reservations: 679-4012. NIS 50 (includes refreshments).