Police arrest 2 Palestinians allegedly involved in weapons trafficking

The two Palestinian suspects from Nablus were arrested with an M-16 automatic weapon.

Part of a M-16 body rifle that was seized by the Border Police. (photo credit: POLICE SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Part of a M-16 body rifle that was seized by the Border Police.
Israeli Border Police units carried out an operation in the Ma’aleh Adumim area on Friday, searching and seizing weapons. They eventually arrested two Palestinians suspected of weapons trafficking when parts of an M-16 were found in the file of a woman in their vehicle.
During the operation, Border Police deployed roadblocks in the Ma'aleh Adumim region and stopped a suspicious vehicle that arrived with the two suspects.
During a search by police forces in the vehicle, a major part of an M-16 body rifle was seized, which was removed from a woman's bag in order not to arouse suspicion.
The two suspects, Palestinians from the Nablus area in their 30s, along with the findings were taken for questioning by the Israeli Police.