EVERYONE SHOULD have a quick and easy yummy chocolate cake recipe.
As summer vacation begins for school-age kids, endof- year parties and beginning- of-summer parties are being held all over the place. Some kids will bring plastic plates, others a bag of chips. But whoever brings the chocolate cake will always be the focus of attention at the party.After preparing refreshments for many a party, I’ve amassed a wide assortment of chocolate cake recipes. Some people like airy cakes, while others prefer their chocolate cakes more compact. Some like a drier texture, and others enjoy a gooey-fudgey style cake.So, in honor of all the students who graduated from school over the past couple of weeks, I’ve chosen the four chocolate cake recipes that my children and family love the most: the classic, the quick to prepare, with chocolate chunks, and a gluten-free chocolate cake. And may everyone have a glorious summer vacation!THE QUICK-TO-PREPARE CHOCOLATE CAKEEveryone should have a quick and easy yummy chocolate cake recipe that can be whipped up at the last minute for any occasion. Don’t forget the colored sprinkles though – they make any gathering festive.Use a 26-cm. diameter pan.■ 5 eggs, separated ■ 1 cup sugar ■ 2 packages vanilla sugar ■ ½ cup oil ■ 1 cup flour, sifted ■ 6 Tbsp. cocoa powder, sifted ■ 1 tsp. baking soda ■ 1 package baking powder ■ ¾ cup water Icing: ■ 50 gr. butter, cut into pieces ■ 4 Tbsp. sugar ■ 4 Tbsp. cocoa powder, sifted ■ 2 Tbsp. water ■ 1 Tbsp. brandy ■ 1 Tbsp. rumWhip egg yolks on high speed and then gradually add half of the sugar until completely mixed. Add vanilla and oil and continue mixing on low speed.Gradually add the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder and water and continue mixing until smooth. Pour mixture into a bowl.In a clean bowl, whip the egg whites on high speed. When high peaks have formed, slowly add the rest of the sugar and mix until well blended.
Slowly fold in the egg white mixture until mixed.Pour batter into greased pan and bake for 30-35 minutes in a preheated oven (180°) until a toothpick comes out dry and clean.Place icing ingredients in a pot and heat over medium flame. Stir often until completely mixed. Pour over cake while it’s still hot.Cool a bit and then shake sprinkles on top.CLASSIC CHOCOLATE CAKEThis popular recipe will fill your home with the intoxicatingly delicious aroma of chocolate.This cake can be served with or without icing and decorated any way you please.Use a 28-cm. diameter pan.■ 200 gr. bittersweet chocolate ■ 200 gr. butter ■ 1½ cups sugar ■ 3 Tbsp. cocoa powder, sifted ■ 1 Tbsp. instant coffee ■ 6 eggs, separated ■ 1¾ cups flour, sifted ■ 1 package baking powder ■ 4 Tbsp. brandyIcing: ■ 100 gr. butter ■ ½ cup sugar ■ 3 Tbsp. cocoa powder ■ 1 Tbsp. instant coffee ■ ½ cup water ■ 100 gr. bittersweet chocolateToppings: ■ ½ cup hazelnuts, chopped ■ ½ cup bittersweet chocolate, choppedIn a bowl in the microwave (or in a pot on the stove) melt together the chocolate, butter, 1 cup sugar, cocoa powder and instant coffee.If using a pot on the stove, prepare a bain-marie (double boiler) and mix until the chocolate is completely melted.Whip the egg whites on high speed. Gradually add ½ cup sugar and continue mixing until completely blended.In a separate bowl, whip the egg yolks and then fold into egg white mixture slowly. Fold the chocolate mixture into egg mixture and gently stir until mixed.In another bowl, mix the flour with the baking powder and then add to batter. Add the brandy and mix well. Pour the batter into a greased pan and spread to sides. Bake in a preheated oven (180°) for 30 minutes until a toothpick comes out dry and clean. Remove cake from oven and cool.In a small pot, add butter, sugar, cocoa powder and instant coffee.Heat over low flame until butter melts. Add the water and chocolate and continue heating over low flame until completely smooth.Ice the top and sides of the cake, and then decorate with hazelnuts and chocolate pieces.CHOCOLATE CAKE WITH CHOCOLATE SHAVINGSFrom my experience, every household should have a chocolate-cake recipe that is fast and easy but also nice enough for festive occasions.If you follow this next recipe, you will come out with a cake that just melts in your mouth. You can ice it and put sprinkles on top, or just sprinkle some powdered sugar or cocoa powder on top.Use 27x30-cm. pan.■ 100 gr. butter, softened ■ 1 cup sugar ■ 150 gr. almonds, ground ■ 150 gr. hazelnuts, ground ■ 1 tsp. chocolate liqueur ■ 3 drops quality vanilla extract ■ 200 gr. bittersweet chocolate ■ 6 eggs, separatedTopping: ■ ¼ cup cocoa powder or powdered sugar Icing: ■ 50 gr. butter ■ 4 Tbsp. sugar ■ 4 Tbsp. cocoa powder, sifted ■ 2 Tbsp. water ■ 1 Tbsp. brandy ■ 1 Tbsp. rumIn a mixer, mix the butter with half of the sugar until smooth.Add almonds, hazelnuts, liqueur and vanilla.Mix well.Grate 100 grams of chocolate with a vegetable grater and add to batter. Fold in the egg yolks.With an electric mixer, whip egg whites on high speed. After it’s nice and fluffy, slowly add the remaining sugar and continue mixing until well b l e n d e d .Fold egg m i x t u r e into batter slowly and gently until well mixed.Pour batter onto greased pan and spread out to edges. Break up the rest of the chocolate into little pieces and push them into the batter at equal intervals. Bake in a preheated oven (180°) for 25 minutes.Remove cake from oven and cool.In a pot, heat icing ingredients over medium flame.Mix continuously until smooth. Pour over cake while it’s still hot. Cool a little and, if desired, add sprinkles.GLUTEN-FREE, SUGAR-FREE CHOCOLATE CAKE In this recipe, I’ve substituted honey for sugar, but you could also substitute agave syrup, too, and a large amount of liquids. Don’t worry if it seems too liquidy – it’s supposed to be like this. If the batter seems too thick, I recommend adding 2-3 Tbsp. (or even up to ¼ cup) of water or milk.The cake will shrink in the pan when it begins cooling.Pour the ganache icing over the cake when it’s room temperature. You can also transfer the cake to a plate and then pour the icing over it.Use 27x35-cm. pan.■ 200 gr. butter, softened ■ 1 cup sugar substitute ■ ½ cup honey ■ 1 tsp. quality vanilla extract ■ 4 large eggs ■ 2 cups gluten-free flour ■ 1 cup cocoa powder ■ 1 package baking powder ■ 1 Tbsp. liqueur or brandy ■ 1 container (250 ml.) cooking cream or yogurt ■ 1 cup milk, plus ¼ cup more if needed to improve textureIcing: ■ 1 container sweet cream ■ 250 gr. sugar-free bittersweet chocolateIn a mixer, add butter and mix on high speed. Gradually add sugar substitute, honey and vanilla. Mix for 2-3 minutes and then gradually add eggs. Mix until smooth.Lower the mixer speed and gradually and alternately add flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, liqueur, cream or yogurt, and milk. Mix well.Pour into a pan that is greased or lined with baking paper and spread to edges.Bake in a preheated oven (170°-180°) for 45-50 minutes until a toothpick comes out dry and clean. Remove cake from oven and cool on a metal cooling rack.Over a low flame, put cream and chocolate in a pot and stir until smooth. Pour over room-temperature cake.