Star Catcher

Astrology for the week of May 17, 2013.

Star galaxy nebula colourful 370 (photo credit: UCLA/JPL-Caltech/NASA/Reuters)
Star galaxy nebula colourful 370
(photo credit: UCLA/JPL-Caltech/NASA/Reuters)
AQUARIUS (AIR) JANUARY 20 – FEBRUARY 18 Slowly but surely all the pieces are falling into place and although you may not yet recognize the puzzle you will soon. All your hard work is about to pay off, so relax. For those of you contemplating major renovations at home or perhaps even a change of address, take your time and gather as much information as possible. This is a good week for meeting with friends and socializing. For far too long you have been burning the candle at both ends and can use a break.
HINT: A conversation with another air sign will lighten your mood.PISCES (WATER) FEBRUARY 19 – MARCH 20 You take your work very seriously and have little patience for those who pretend to be busy while relying on others to pick up the slack. It will not be easy for you to refrain from speaking your mind, but for the time being take a step back and watch how, one by one, your colleagues come to the realization that you were right all along. At home you continue to put your own needs aside while taking care of the rest of the family. Nothing will happen if you back off and let them fend for themselves a bit more. HINT: Be careful while driving near your home and give yourself enough time so that you do not have to rush.ARIES (FIRE) MARCH 21 – APRIL 19 This is the time for speaking up and sharing your thoughts with the people you care about the most.
Those who accept your ideas will firmly stand beside you and give you the support you need. As far as the others are concerned, give them time. In the long run common sense will prevail. You tend to spend a little more than you should this week and need to make a shopping list and stick to it. The middle portion of this week brings a shift in energy and that is the time for tacking any major projects.
HINT: Monday and Tuesday are the best days for working together with your partner and/or mate.
TAURUS (EARTH) APRIL 20-MAY 20 You are spending a great deal of time thinking about your finances and making plans for your future. Be free to discuss your plans with some members of your family who will be more than happy to not only listen but will contribute information, expertise and cash. A change in diet may help you feel more in control, but don’t overdo it. A little less starchy food plus a bit more exercise is enough for now. Your relationship with a water sign is so special and the more time you spend together the better.
HINT: Professionally you continue moving forward as both colleagues and employers are aware of your contribution to the team.
GEMINI (AIR) MAY 21 – JUNE 21 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! You begin your birthday month with a great deal of energy and enthusiasm… ready to begin anew. Many interesting and important offers will come your way but take your time. Money and financial matters must be taken into account before you can commit yourself further. A serious discussion with an earth sign will prove to be a lot more pleasant than you had imagined and, if you play your cards right, this may be the beginning of a very lucrative venture.
HINT: By the last few days of this week you may need to pace yourself or even slow down.CANCER (WATER) JUNE 22 – JULY 22 Minor setbacks may cause feelings of momentary frustration and even anger, but are not important enough to ruin your week. Rather, enjoy the pockets of free time in order to catch up on some paper work and rest.
Sometimes timing is everything and this is one of those occasions when you are being forced to move at a slower pace. This is a good week for setting up important meetings to brainstorm with a Taurus you respect and admire.
HINT: Although your financial situation is far from ideal, it is however improving, slowly but surely.
LEO (FIRE) JULY 23 – AUGUST 22 When dealing with a person who speaks quickly but avoids eye contact, take everything with a grain of salt. This person puts on a good show but may not have the funds or expertise to back up any of his ideas. And, before you reach into your pocket to lend a helping hand, think twice. There are far more important people and places where you can make a donation which will really make a difference.
Plans to socialize with a family member may be postponed at the last minute. Take this free time to get some work done at home. HINT: When speaking with a Scorpio, tell the truth…or as much of the truth you wish to divulge right now.
VIRGO (EARTH) AUGUST 23 – SEPTEMBER 22 Always ready to lend a helping hand you tend to get upset and even insulted when someone you reach out to turns you down.
Few can give as much as you do and if this person has done his best, what more can you ask for? You never get tired of watching your bank balance and making certain that your are on top of your finances, but this week a few unexpected expenses will cause you to spend a bit more than you have planned.
HINT: Professionally, you continue working overtime and soon will reap the benefit of all those long, hard hours.
LIBRA (AIR) SEPTEMBER 23 – OCTOBER 23 Even though you don’t seem to be making much headway professionally, your personal life is flourishing.
There is much more balance in your life and you are extremely grateful to the people who have helped you on your journey over the past twelve months.
Financially you are keeping your head above water and that is the best you can do for now. Soon one of the projects you are working on will begin to take off and that is when you can take a step back and breathe easier. HINT: Someone living far away is waiting to hear from you.
SCORPIO (WATER) OCTOBER 24 – NOVEMBER 21 New information which has recently come your way is just what you need to recharge your batteries and get started on a new course of action.
For the past few weeks you have had the feeling that no matter what you do something or someone is holding you back. Now, as the clouds of indecision and frustration begin to disperse, you feel excited and confident once more. Financial issues are not nearly as dire as they once were, but you still need to keep a watchful eye.
HINT: Make plans to visit a family member who lives in a different city.
SAGITTARIUS (FIRE) NOVEMBER 22 – DECEMBER 21 When discussing your ideas with a partner or friend, choose your words carefully and decide ahead of time just how much information you are willing to disclose. Not everyone shares your vision and until all the parts are safely in place the less said the better. On the other hand, feel free to share your thoughts with your mate as this person is proud of all you have accomplished and is more than willing to help.
HINT: Monday and Tuesday are good days for socializing and getting away from your desk.
CAPRICORN (EARTH) DECEMBER 22 – JANUARY 19 You continue working overtime, but in the weeks to come the pace will ease up and that is when you can make plans to party. In the meantime try to regulate your time so that you have enough hours to really rest and relax. Your relationship with a water sign is so balanced that you can almost read each other’s thoughts. It is difficult to be frugal and put money away when you have sudden car expenses or need to deal with your washing machine or other electrical appliances at home.
HINT: This weekend provides the perfect opportunity for you to reconnect with friends and people you really love.