Check out this animal taking a swim in the floods from Hurricane Ian!

A recent TikTok video went viral when an enterprising racoon swam directly up to a newscaster, who was utterly delighted. 

 Raccoon reaching for persimmons. (photo credit: FLICKR)
Raccoon reaching for persimmons.
(photo credit: FLICKR)

Florida's human residence are not the only ones having to adjust to a new life in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian - Florida's racoon population was affected, too.

A recent TikTok video went viral when an enterprising racoon swam directly up to a newscaster, who was utterly delighted. 

The raccoon seemed perfectly at home in the water. In general, the furry masked bandits are very adaptable creatures and can be decent swimmers despite their body being relatively large in comparison to their legs. 

Charlie the raccoon

 Raccoon (illustrative). (credit: FLICKR)
Raccoon (illustrative). (credit: FLICKR)

The video was uploaded on Sunday by an account called "Hansen's Wildlife." This particular raccoon is a recurring character on their TikTok account. His name is Cheese and he is a pet raccoon. 

While the video was not directly indicative of the status of Florida's wild raccoon population, it is a reminder that animals- whether they be furry friends like dogs or domestic raccoons, or mere passing acquaintances like squirrels and stray cats- are hit just as hard by natural disaster as humans are.