Regular wedding dress or optical illusion?

The lace decorations in the center of the dress form a kind of face, some thought it reminded them of an old man's face while others that it reminded them of a dragon's face.

 Wedding (Illustrative). (photo credit: PETER NICHOLLS/REUTERS)
Wedding (Illustrative).

Choosing a wedding dress is one of the most important decisions of every bride, who invests a lot of time and usually a lot of money on it.

Everyone wants to have the most original, beautiful and sparkly dress, but one bride became, to her dismay (or her happiness), a social media star thanks to a photo of her dress that stirred up reactions online, calling it an "optical illusion."

On July 14, a user uploaded a photo of a woman in a wedding dress to Reddit. At first glance the dress looked completely ordinary. After all, it is a fairly standard wedding dress.

Anyone have any idea why this dress was posted online in the first place and what made it go viral? First, take a good look at it and see if you can figure it out yourself.

Why the dress went viral

The photo went online with the caption "all I see here is the sullen face of an old man." What is the caption referring to, you ask?

Well, looking at it you could make out that  the lace decorations in the center of the dress form a kind of face. Some thought it reminded them of an old man and others that it reminded them of a dragon's face.

This post received hundreds of comments, most of them amused by the photo. One of the users wrote: "OMG, I would have never noticed this on my own" and another said that it was actually an ink stain test for all the guests at the wedding.